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Mr. Kottu Grand Battaramulla

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Adress:371 Kaduwela Rd, Battaramulla 10120  

City: Battaramulla   (10120)


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0   | 359   |   Last Modified: 2023-12-30

About Mr. Kottu Grand Battaramulla

contact number Mr. Kottu Grand Battaramulla you can find in here . Mr. Kottu Grand Battaramulla contact number is 0112360760. Mr. Kottu Grand Battaramulla hotline number is 0112360760.

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Located in the heart of Sri Lanka, Mr. Kottu stands out as the ultimate destination for those craving the finest varieties of kottu and beyond. This culinary haven not only offers an extensive array of kottu options but also tantalizing fried rice dishes. On a recent visit, I indulged in the Chicken Rice Kottu, opting for the large portion, and was pleasantly surprised by the generous serving size—more than enough for two people to relish. The flavors were exceptional, providing a delightful blend of spices and textures. The dining area was both comfortable and inviting, with a VIP lodge that boasted a beautifully designed space for a more exclusive experience.

The service at Mr. Kottu was impeccable, reflecting a commitment to customer satisfaction. The cleanliness of the establishment further enhanced the overall dining experience. Mr. Kottu caters to a diverse clientele, making it an ideal spot for families, couples, and groups alike. The pricing is reasonable, with a meal averaging between Rs 1,500–2,000 per person, offering excellent value for the quality and quantity of the food served. The restaurant's commitment to excellence is evident in its perfect scores across food, service, and atmosphere. For those planning a visit, rest assured that parking is ample and convenient, with a free parking lot available. In conclusion, Mr. Kottu is not just a place to eat; it's a culinary journey that delivers on taste, service, and ambiance, making it a highly recommended destination for a memorable dining experience in Sri Lanka.

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